This intriguing episode is with the talented duo from Sarnia, Ontario: Mat Gauthier and Lorraine Kraayenbrink. Mat is a multifaceted artist known for his skills as a singer, musician and singing impressionist. Lorraine Kraayenbrink, the sound tech and production director. From a young age of 10, Mat began crafting parodies using a variety of instruments, […]
Episode: 83 Celeste Lampa, Natasha Myles, Brad Semotiuk, Ola Dada (Comedians)
Four comedians from various backgrounds hang out for a 1/hr. **Ola Dada** From Nigeria to Fort McMurray, Ola’s a noted Canadian comedian, a finalist in 2019’s SiriusXM Top Comic, and a semi-finalist on Canada’s Got Talent 2022. **Brad Semotiuk** Starting comedy at 17, Brad clinched the “Best of the Fest” at the Cleveland […]
Episode: 80 John Rustad. (Leader Of Conservatives Of BC)
John Rustad, the current leader of the Conservative Party of British Columbia. Discover his background, deep connection to northern B.C., and unwavering passion for fishing and hunting. Rustad’s journey began in 2005 when he was elected to represent Prince George-Omineca, a position he maintained even after the riding’s dissolution. Throughout his career, he held pivotal […]